Monday, November 15, 2021

How to Auto-generate Order Line Item numbers for bulk uploads

 I had a problem where I had 17000 line items to insert into 9000 orders.

The system required line item numbers, preferably numbered 1through N where N could be anything from 1 to 200.

This is a tricky problem.  I found some code that can generate a number sequence without regard to Purchase order number, but not one that would number all the orders from 1 within that PO number.

This solution enabled me to run the inserts once per PO and catch all the orders.

--Go through each unique invoice and calculate the line numbers
declare commands cursor for 
select distinct 
	'declare @ID int; set @ID=0; update UploadedSales set @ID= LineNumber = @ID+1 where pono='''+PoNo+''';'
from UploadedSales

--loop thru the po numbers
declare @cmd varchar(max)

--run updates one by one.
open commands
fetch next from commands into @cmd
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
  fetch next from commands into @cmd

close commands
deallocate commands

There are 2 tricky parts to this:

  • Executing a list of commands fetched from a table (a list of unique PoNos)
  • Calculating an incrementing line number for each item being updated.

The first item is something I picked up off the Internet. How to create a series of commands and execute them one at time. For this I created a cursor for my SELECT DISTINCT command, and then looped through it.

To auto-generate the line numbers is tricky too. Note the part of the commands in the list generated by the first query. 'declare @ID int; set @ID=0; update UploadedSales set @ID= LineNumber = @ID+1 where pono='''+PoNo+''';'. This creates a command that looks like:

declare @ID int; set @ID=0; update UploadedSales set @ID= LineNumber = @ID+1 where pono='PONumber';'

Using this ID and updating with every insert is handled by the set @ID= LineNumber = @ID+1 part, a tricky way to both update the line with the next sequential number and increment it at the same time.

Friday, November 6, 2020

SQL Server: My AutoIncrement Column is Skipping Values (solved)

There is a long explanation about SQL server caching values for autoincrement columns, and losing them when the server is restarted, but the fix is this:

USE [database_name]

This does incur a performance hit, so if you're inserting 20 billion records a day, be warned.  But for a normal web or app database, this will make t more likely that your autoincrement values will step up the way you had intended.


Bryan Valencia is a contributing editor and founder of Visual Studio Journey.  He owns and operates Software Services, a web design and hosting company in Manteca, California.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Automatically execute a SQL Command from an icon

You'll need SQL Server command line tools to run this.


  • you have a .sql file you want to run, 

  • you have a username/password and all that.

Create a batch file.

  1. In file manager, right-click somewhere in the folder you want to put it in (like Documents\batch) and New->Text file.

  2. Edit the name that comes up and call it [something].bat

  3. Windows may warn you about renaming file extensions.  Click OK.

  4. Right click the new file in file manager and Edit.  It should open in notepad.

  5. Add this text, using your own server, username and password.

sqlcmd -S ".\SQLEXPRESS" -U myUserName -P myPassword -i %1 -d DBName >result.txt
start Notepad.exe result.txt

Save the file.

See that %1 in there?  That means that the filename of  any .sql file you drop onto this bat file's icon will get inserted and the query will run, dropping the results into a text file (>result.txt)  

The bat file then opens notepad and shows the user the results.


Bryan Valencia is a contributing editor and founder of Visual Studio Journey.  He owns and operates Software Services, a web design and hosting company in Manteca, California.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'.

In my MVC app, I followed the OLD roleManager and MembershipManager setup.


Identity does NOT work that way anymore.
What I had to do was remove the line in my web.config that said:
<roleManager enabled="true" cacheRolesInCookie="false"  />
Once I got rid of that, the error blessedly poofed into a memory.


Bryan Valencia is a contributing editor and founder of Visual Studio Journey.  He owns and operates Software Services, a web design and hosting company in Manteca, California.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

SQL Server: How to Concatenate Parent Nodes in Irregular Category Trees

Consider this table:

id ParentCategory Name
1 NULL Household
2 1 Furniture
3 1 Appliances
4 2 Chair
5 2 Couch
6 2 Bed
7 3 Refridgerator
8 3 Counter
10 3 Bathroom

We want each node to display all it's parents back to its root.

This SQL helps.

-- =============================================
-- Author:        bryanv
-- Create date: 11/28/2018
-- Description:    gets the whole list from here down
-- =============================================
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CategoryFullName
    @CategoryID int
RETURNS nvarchar(200)
    -- Declare the return variable here
    DECLARE @ans nvarchar(200)
    declare @parent int

    -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here
    select @ans=name, @parent=ParentCategory from Categories where id=@CategoryID

    if @parent is not null
        set @ans=dbo.CategoryFullName(@parent)+' - '+@ans

    -- Return the result of the function
    RETURN @ans


This will look up the current category text, and prepend all parents recursively until it gets to the root.

 You can then use this in a computed column to autogenerate the entire category tree.

Now you can automatically get the full tree with a simple select...


Bryan Valencia is a contributing editor and founder of Visual Studio Journey.  He owns and operates Software Services, a web design and hosting company in Manteca, California.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

SQL Server: Return All Dates in a Range

This function will return a list of all dates between a start date and an end date.

-- =============================================
-- Author:        bryan valencia
-- Create date: 11/20/2018
-- Description:    returns the dates between start and end (inclusive).
-- =============================================
CREATE FUNCTION DaysBetween(@startdate DATE, @enddate DATE)
    calendarday DATE PRIMARY KEY
        -- Fill the table variable with the rows for your result set

    WITH calendar AS
      SELECT CAST(@startdate AS DATETIME) DateValue
      SELECT  DateValue + 1
      FROM    calendar  
      WHERE   DateValue + 1 <= @enddate

    insert into @calendar(calendarday)
    SELECT  cast(DateValue as Date) calendarday
    FROM    calendar


To call it: SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DaysBetween] ('01 jan 2018', '01 feb 2018')


Bryan Valencia is a contributing editor and founder of Visual Studio Journey.  He owns and operates Software Services, a web design and hosting company in Manteca, California.

Monday, March 12, 2018

How to Copy a MSSQL Server database to a New Webhost without RESTORE

This article explains how to copy a database from one server to another when Backup/Restore is not an option.

  • This will work as long as you have SQL Server Management Studio access to the source and destination databases.

  • This is very slow, and may take many hours to run on a big database.

  1. First, open the database server you want to copy in SSMS.

  2. Next, Right-click the database, Tasks -> Generate Scripts.

  3. In my case I want all the scripts to completely recreate my database, so here are the steps.

  4. Next

  5. Script entire database and all database objects

  6. Save to new query window (file is OK too).

  7. Click Advanced (by default it will write a script to create all objects, but not copy data).

    Make sure to select Schema and data.

  8. Review all the other settings to make sure you get the stuff you want on the destination database.  Click OK, then Next.

  9. Review and Next (or previous if you need to change something.)

  10. You'll get a checklist screen and then the script is done.  It should pop up in SSMS.

To restore the database...

  1. Log SSMS into the destination database.

  2. Back up what's there if there is any chance you'll need it.

  3. In your script, if you need to rename the database to satisfy the new hosting company, do a global replace in the SQL script.  Make sure the FileNames reflect the destination database name not the source database

  4. Copy the entire script to the clipboard.

  5. right click the destination database and do a New Query (if the database hasn't been created yet, you can click the server name).

  6. Paste the script into the new query editor.

  7. If the database already exists, you may need to delete the CREATE statement and all the ALTER DATABASE statements, down to the [USE database] command.

  8. Look in the scrollbar for possible problems...  Then fix them.

  9. Run the script and see what happens.  Get coffee.  It's gonna be a while.  Call your Dad.  He misses you.

You're done.  Just in case you don't have all the same Generate Scripts options, this demo was from a SQLExpress2016 database, using all this stuff...

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio                        14.0.17199.0

Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools                        14.0.1008.227

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)                        10.0.16299.15

Microsoft MSXML                        3.0 4.0 6.0

Microsoft Internet Explorer                        9.11.16299.0

Microsoft .NET Framework                        4.0.30319.42000

Operating System                        6.3.16299

How to Auto-generate Order Line Item numbers for bulk uploads

 I had a problem where I had 17000 line items to insert into 9000 orders. The system required line item numbers, preferably numbered 1throug...